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Image by Abhishek Koli



Are you ready to live the life you deserve?


You are capable of so much more than you have been led to believe. Often our minds get in the way and tell us we can't achieve our dreams, but our hearts know better.


Deep down your true self knows what you desire and is waiting for you to tune in and start creating a life that is truly meaningful to her.


​Do you follow the 'shoulds' and 'what ifs' and only do things that felt safe and comfortable in life? I used to live in this place too, but it led me to to feel unfulfilled, burnt out and like something was missing. I knew there had to be a better way to live.


I listened to the whispers of my heart and I created a life that is so full of light, purpose and joy that I wake up genuinely excited to get up every morning and live my day. That is why I became a coach, so I could guide you on your own incredible journey back to self and a life that is filled with freedom and joy. 


On this journey you will connect with your dreams and passions and figure out who you are, beyond who the world told you to be. You will reignite your purpose and the reason you were put on this earth. You deserve to live a life where you are excited to wake up each morning and your life is filled with the things that matter to you the most.



Image by Sebastian Unrau
Image by Klara Kulikova

The Journey

I used to burn myself out trying to please others, be perfect all the time and live a life that met everyone's needs but my own. 


Until I told my enough is enough, it was time to put myself first, to let go of all the things I thought I 'should' be doing, to fit in, to go with the norm at the expense of my own health and happiness. I used to doubt myself and let fear rule my life, holding back on my dreams because I didn't feel brave or worthy enough to go after them. Can you relate?


Until I found a new way to live. A way back to my heart and the liberated woman that lives within. This journey did not happen over night, but once I started on this path I knew I could never look back. 


Do you desire...


More energy and better health

To discover your purpose and shine your light in the world every day

More time to connect with your passions and what truly lights you up

A feeling of freedom, where you are in control of your life, rather than rushing from one thing to the next

More time for self-care and the ability to meet your own needs

More joy and fulfillment in your days

To feel comfortable in who you are and confident enough to speak your truth

Deeper connections with your loved ones


These are only some of the amazing benefits I have found in my own life after going on this journey. 


If you feel that you are ready to step into your power and that you that desire to live a life on your terms, with more time to look after yourself and express your needs, then this container is for you. 


You can rewire the limiting beliefs that are holding you back from realising your true potential.

You can learn to love yourself again and create more time for self-care, pleasure and what you value most in your days.

You can learn to listen to your heart and feel the unparalleled joy of saying yes to yourself and your needs.

You deserve to go after your dreams, shien your light in the world and start saying YES to life. 


If this ignites something in your soul then I would love to connect with you on a free 20-minute connection call. 



Image by Clem Onojeghuo

What you will gain...


- A safe and supportive space to really go deep and explore what you truly desire in life


-The ability to listen to your heart, so you can create more joy and passion in your days


-The tools to cultivate self-love and become your own best friend


-The ability to question and rewire any limiting beliefs that are holding you back


-The knowledge of how you want to feel and live every day and the steps to get you there


-Someone to walk the path with you with compassion and accountability 

Image by Zwaddi

The details...

-Six one-hour coaching sessions over a 3-month period


-Two days support per week via Telegram so you can ask any questions or share your wins


-A questionnaire to fill out before our first call to help you connect with your desires


-Notes after each session and recommended tools and exercises to work on before the next session


-Tailored handouts with information and guidance to support you on your journey


-Compassion and support from someone who truly believes in you


Investment - This is currently a FREE coaching programme for a limited time only.

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